Thanks Paul!
You have discovered (because you have a mind to) what I discovered years ago. I was training 1 1/2 to 2 hours a day 6 days a week, that's almost 12 hours of exercise a week. This did not include drive time and showering and changing. I had modest improvement at first but gains always slowed and I saw very little in strength or muscle. I did this for around six years. Then one day we received a new chrome line of Nautilus into our club. I laughed at it with the other muscle heads. stating of course that this is for the weak and not for serious lifters. Oh how wrong I was. In my last blog on personal training I have attempted to show that exercise has and needs definition. Not all human movement is exercise. Most exercise pursuits today are recreation! I am sorry to be the one to tell you this but running or jogging or body pump etc. do not fit the definition of proper exercise. A true, well designed and safe program will, after each exercise session, stimulate the body to respond, at rest, with new lean muscle, stronger bones and an increased metabolic rate. Exactly how does running increase lean muscle or strengthen the bone structure?
October 2014